The 3 Week Challenge to Churches !

Parables was not written as a show for people who already come to church. The show was created to reach the people that other church activities do not. And they don’t have to be “cold” contacts. Every church has groups who use the premises. Every church has people on the fringe. Every church goer knows someone who does not come to church. Why not invite them to show that church folk can have a good time as well? A gentle invitation for everyone to learn more about the stories and the man who first told them. We offer this “3 Week Challenge”. After all, everyone is invited to this party!

Week 1: “Go into all the world and make people my disciples” We are all called to bring people to meet Jesus and then get out of the way. Not many of us find it very easy. This may help. In 3 weeks time there will be a low key, non pressurizing, evening of entertainment based on the stories Jesus told. It is an ideal time for people to meet Jesus. Why not come and bring someone with you? “But I don’t know anyone who doesn’t know Jesus.” You do. Neighbours. Others you meet regularly. An old friend. Think about them and let God guide you to decide who to invite. “But I don’t know what to say, how to invite them.” You do. Simply say “There’s a show on at Church soon. I’ve heard that it’s going to be an enjoyable evening. It’s free. I’m going. Would you like to come with me?” Take this coming week to think about who you could invite, ask them and come next week ready to ask for your tickets.

Week 2: “The crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested! The man who reaps the harvest is being paid and gathers the crops for eternal life.” Have you done it yet? It’s no big deal. After all you like coming to church. You want to meet Jesus and others who know he’s our friend and saviour. You find something in this place that means something to you. So why not encourage others to come and share it as well? Be alert. Be expectant. Be like Jesus and say “Come all who need rest”.

Week 3: Are you expecting Jesus? In a lesser way are you expecting something to happen on the night of the Parables show? Not to you necessarily, not to the people you have invited. But do you expect Jesus? It may be only a light hearted, fun, entertainment that will last around an hour. The whole evening will be over in less than 2 hours. But God can and does act in an instant. We know that. We expect that. We embrace that. Please take time this week to think about life changing events and how they happen in a moment. And then come - it’s not too late - everyone is invited to the party.

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